As temperatures drop, your animal's needs change. Animals accustomed to being inside cannot tolerate being out in the cold very long. Those that spend extended periods of time outdoors need shelter from the weather, additional food, and steady supply of fresh UNFROZEN water. We often get stressed as the holidays approach and the same is true for our pets. Shiny ornaments and decorations are attractive to pets as are all the holiday treats. Glass, small metal hooks, tinsel, even chocolate can be harmful to cats and dogs if swallowed. Poinsettias can be toxic to cats if they chew and swallow the leaves or flowers.
Even though it is cold, we recommend continuing heartworm and flea preventives. We still have buy-three-get-one-free Frontline Plus and Vectra 3D.
We would like to thank all our clients and friends for their patronage throughout 2013. We wish everyone a healthy, happy and prosperous 2014.
Winter Is Upon Us!
posted: Tue Mar 18 13:31:31 EDT 2014 by: Sturgis Veterinary Hospital Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News"